Playing in the Snow to Conquer My Fears
When was the last time that you did something that scared you? Was it this morning, last week or a few months ago?
A couple of months ago I made the decision to do something that terrified me to no end- I decided to give snowboarding a shot. Growing up in California, there weren't many chances to hit the slopes, and when we did, I learned how to ski (terribly) because that was what my parents encouraged me to try. Little did I know at the time that skiing really wouldn't be my snow sport of choice.
You see, every memory I have of skiing down China Peak in Lakeshore, Calif., ends with me either: 1) nearly running into a tree, or 2) misplacing one ski halfway up the mountain. I joke now that the reason I chose to give snowboarding a shot was because the universe was sending me a sign that one board was a more natural fit than two.
So, when I moved to Colorado a year and a half ago, I knew it was either time to get better at skiing or to take the chance and learn to snowboard. Needless to say, despite my fears, I made the decision to hit the slopes on a snowboard.
My first trip snowboarding... and moments before I fell over.
Oh hey... that's the ground. No worries, I'll just lay here for a while.
Two trips up the mountain, and, though I haven't fully overcome my fear of falling down the mountain or breaking a bone (something I've never done), I can safely say that I've conquered the fear of getting on the board and learning something new. I may have a few bruises and some aching muscles from my most recent trip, but there's something thrilling about testing your boundaries.
If you haven't put yourself in a situation that puts you a little on edge lately, it may be time to do something that scares you. Eleanor Roosevelt once said we should "do one thing every day that scares you." While I may not plan to conquer a new fear every day, I will continue to conquer my fears as they come up. Will you?